A recognizable daily rhythm with room for free play, everyday (learning) moments and activities stimulate your child’s development. How do we ensure a good balance?

Programme and activities
Interacting with children

Would you like to know more about the zone of proximate development? And how we help children through good interaction?
Layout and
play material

Clear, challenging play areas and materials that match the age and stage of development. It all contributes to your child’s development.

Every child develops in its own way. The environment is extremely important in this. How can we offer your child a good foundation together?

Your child develops best in a familiar place, where there is also room for challenge and adventures. Where your child feels safe. With room to get to know himself and where your child feels understood. Children can discover the world around them in a playful way. Whoever they are. Our pedagogical staff are indispensable in this. Just the way they are, with their own wealth of knowledge, craftsmanship and talent. There are four areas in which they excel. Click on the button to go to the chapter about this section.
Our craftmanship
Growing together

8 years +

0 to 1 years

2 and 3 years

6 and 7 years

4 and 5 years
We are building confidence and resilience and a stable foundation for the future. This structure requires solid materials. Our six building blocks help children to gain new experiences all the time, in order for them to develop as broadly as possible and with pleasure. That is why you encounter them in all parts of our pedagogy. As icing on the cake: the building blocks help the brain produce happiness hormones (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin).
Please click on the icons to learn more about the six building blocks.
Our building blocks
One of the earliest childhood memories you may have is learning to ride a bike without training wheels. It is still difficult the first time. You may be hesitant as well. With falling over and getting back up, you increasingly learn to keep a better balance. Maybe you need a little push. And all of a sudden, you succeed! With a smile on your face and with shining eyes. Do you feel it, that moment of happiness? We would love to see these kinds of small moments of happiness in your child. They take your child a little further in his development. And the falling and getting back up? It contributes to (self-)confidence and resilience.
Without training wheels
While playing and exploring, you sometimes see that children are completely in their 'flow': they feel good about themselves and are completely absorbed in what they are doing. They sometimes even forget where they are. We enjoy seeing that. Children do exactly what they like and can easily do on their own in their flow. But behind what you see, there is something much more beautiful. They learn an incredible amount at such a moment. They practice, practice, practice until they suddenly can do something they could not do themselves up to that moment. Sometimes with the help of a little encouragement or a helping hand.
A moment of happiness

Every location is unique. In the location guide, you can read about the way we work at your location. This guide is available on your location’s website (currently only in Dutch), via Partou.nl and our Partou parent app.
The location guide
In this publication, we would like to take you into our view on children and their development. We explain how we implement the basic pedagogical goals, as described in the Childcare Act. We also tell you about the craftsmanship of our employees and how we work with you on the development of your child through a pedagogical partnership.
Growing up is like a journey full of adventures. Fortunately, your child does not have to make this journey alone. You are there from the very beginning. Parenting is something you do your way, coming from your natural and emotional connection with your child, your personality, background and experiences from your own upbringing. You are the expert by experience when it comes to your child and his possibilities.
A journey full of
Childhood is the beginning of the rest of your child's life. If your child learns to be confident and resilient in life, it contributes to equal opportunities and happiness later on. This starts with a good pedagogical climate, where your child can develop optimally.
Resilience, confidence and happiness
We see childcare as a major responsibility. After all, childhood is the basis for the rest of your life. Together with parents, teachers and other stakeholders, we make a difference. We want to prepare every child for the future in a playful way. Together. Based on our vision, we work to create a resilient society for a better world, on every group and every day. In this way, together we create an enriching environment for your child, which moves with the world around us.
Ready for the future
Every child deserves a sustainable future. Because children are the world of tomorrow! Partou wants to make sure that every child actually gets that chance. We do this by focusing on people, the environment and society in our day-to-day relations with the children. Our core values are: inclusive, sustainable and involved.
The world of tomorrow
What will you find in this publication
We very much appreciate that you chose us. We are pleased to welcome you and your child at one of our locations (shortly). Please let us introduce ourselves to you. And read about our Partou Pedagogy!
Marlies de Haan,
Director of Quality, Pedagogy and Innovation
Partou childcare
The Partou
The miraculous (brain)development
of children
Every child deserves equal opportunities and the same good start. We help children develop their talents as much as possible. Even if they need just that little bit extra. That is why we also have locations with pre-school-education (VE) en out-of-school-care+. And we work closely with primary education. Sometimes we are part of an Integral Child Centre.
A good start for
every child
Providing a safe basis, promoting personal qualities and social qualities and transmitting norms and values. The four basic pedagogical goals of the Childcare Act are the basis of our Partou Pedagogy. Would you like to know more?
Four basic goals

Our craftmanship
A shared journey
Our building blocks
Resilience, confidence and happiness
The miraculous (brain)development of children

& Discover

& Creating

& Exercise

& Healthy

& Expression

& Play

A newborn baby has to learn everything. Yet we do not see a baby as helpless, but as a little genius with enormous potential and initiative to discover and learn. With its own character and endless possibilities. We marvel at that every day. And will continue to do so. Even if they move on to the toddler group and out-of-school care.
Click on the + to read more
Everything starts
in the brain

Every child develops in its own way. The environment is extremely important in this. How can we offer your child a good foundation together?

A recognizable daily rhythm with room for free play, everyday (learning) moments and activities stimulate your child’s development. How do we ensure a good balance?
and activities

Layout and
play material
Clear, challenging play areas and materials that match the age and stage of development. It all contributes to your child’s development.
Interacting with children

Would you like to know more about the zone of proximate development? And how we help children through good interaction?
& Discover

& Creating

& Exercise

& Healthy

& Expression

& Play

Your child develops best in a familiar place, where there is also room for challenge and adventures. Where your child feels safe. With room to get to know himself and where your child feels understood. Children can discover the world around them in a playful way. Whoever they are. Our pedagogical staff are indispensable in this. Just the way they are, with their own wealth of knowledge, craftsmanship and talent. There are four areas in which they excel. Click on the button to go to the chapter about this section.
Our craftmanship
Growing up is like a journey full of adventures. Fortunately, your child does not have to make this journey alone. You are there from the very beginning. Parenting is something you do your way, coming from your natural and emotional connection with your child, your personality, background and experiences from your own upbringing. You are the expert by experience when it comes to your child and his possibilities.
A journey
full of

We are building confidence and resilience and a stable foundation for the future. This structure requires solid materials. Our six building blocks help children to gain new experiences all the time, in order for them to develop as broadly as possible and with pleasure. That is why you encounter them in all parts of our pedagogy. As icing on the cake: the building blocks help the brain produce happiness hormones (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin).
Please click on the icons to learn more about the six building blocks.
Our building blocks
Every child deserves equal opportunities and the same good start. We help children develop their talents as much as possible. Even if they need just that little bit extra. That is why we also have locations with pre-school-education (VE) en out-of-school-care+. And we work closely with primary education. Sometimes we are part of an Integral Child Centre.
A good start for
every child
Providing a safe basis, promoting personal qualities and social qualities and transmitting norms and values. The four basic pedagogical goals of the Childcare Act are the basis of our Partou Pedagogy. Would you like to know more?
Four basic goals

During pregnancy and early childhood, the first paths are already being laid. The more we invest in the first thousand days, the firmer the foundation of those paths is. And the more your child has to fall back on later. A great challenge that we are happy to take on together with you.
Investing in
the future
Your child continues to develop well into adult life. Moving, dealing with language, creative thinking, dealing with emotions of oneself and others. With each experience, the pathways in the brain become stronger. It forms a solid foundation that connects all areas of development. The basis for resilience, confidence and happiness.
After the first thousand days
One of the earliest childhood memories you may have is learning to ride a bike without training wheels. It is still difficult the first time. You may be hesitant as well. With falling over and getting back up, you increasingly learn to keep a better balance. Maybe you need a little push. And all of a sudden, you succeed! With a smile on your face and with shining eyes. Do you feel it, that moment of happiness? We would love to see these kinds of small moments of happiness in your child. They take your child a little further in his development. And the falling and getting back up? It contributes to (self-)confidence and resilience.
Without training wheels
The child's brain is very special. An impressive building, where the basis of everything that can be learned is already present. It makes you do what you do and be who you are. We believe that children are powerful in themselves. Even if they do not know it yet or have forgotten about it for a while. We are here to help them get started.
A wondrous building
The brain of a newborn forms new paths every day. It grows from 30% at birth to 70% around the first year of life. The first 1,000 days are considered the most important period in brain development. This is where the foundation of the brain is laid.
New paths every day
While playing and exploring, you sometimes see that children are completely in their 'flow': they feel good about themselves and are completely absorbed in what they are doing. They sometimes even forget where they are. We enjoy seeing that. Children do exactly what they like and can easily do on their own in their flow. But behind what you see, there is something much more beautiful. They learn an incredible amount at such a moment. They practice, practice, practice until they suddenly can do something they could not do themselves up to that moment. Sometimes with the help of a little encouragement or a helping hand.
A moment of happiness
Childhood is the beginning of the rest of your child's life. If your child learns to be confident and resilient in life, it contributes to equal opportunities and happiness later on. This starts with a good pedagogical climate, where your child can develop optimally.
Resilience, confidence and happiness

A newborn baby has to learn everything. Yet we do not see a baby as helpless, but as a little genius with enormous potential and initiative to discover and learn. With its own character and endless possibilities. We marvel at that every day. And will continue to do so. Even if they move on to the toddler group and out-of-school care.
Click on the + to read more
Everything starts
in the brain
The miraculous (brain)development
of children
We see childcare as a major responsibility. After all, childhood is the basis for the rest of your life. Together with parents, teachers and other stakeholders, we make a difference. We want to prepare every child for the future in a playful way. Together. Based on our vision, we work to create a resilient society for a better world, on every group and every day. In this way, together we create an enriching environment for your child, which moves with the world around us.
Ready for the future
Every child deserves a sustainable future. Because children are the world of tomorrow! Partou wants to make sure that every child actually gets that chance. We do this by focusing on people, the environment and society in our day-to-day relations with the children. Our core values are: inclusive, sustainable and involved.
The world of tomorrow

Every location is unique. In the location guide, you can read about the way we work at your location. This guide is available on your location’s website (currently only in Dutch), via Partou.nl and our Partou parent app.
The location guide

In this publication, we would like to take you into our view on children and their development. We explain how we implement the basic pedagogical goals, as described in the Childcare Act. We also tell you about the craftsmanship of our employees and how we work with you on the development of your child through a pedagogical partnership.

We very much appreciate that you chose us. We are pleased to welcome you and your child at one of our locations (shortly). Please let us introduce ourselves to you. And read about our Partou Pedagogy!
Marlies de Haan,
Director of Quality, Pedagogy and Innovation
Partou childcare
The Partou